Men’s Health – Health Issues for Men.
Many men worry about cancer, heart disease and erectile problems – but are embarrassed to ask or think nothing can be done.
Many serious illnesses can be prevented, for instance five simple lifestyle changes can halve your risk of a heart attack.
Mental and physical tiredness, erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual desire are not inevitable consequences of ageing. Increasingly we are identifying the male menopause – known as the Andropause. Not only is it treatable it may be a sign of other underlying health problems.
Men are particularly at risk of heart disease.
Prevention is better than cure; we can help identify ways in which you can reduce your risk. Or catch disease early whilst still treatable.
Every man has a prostate gland, it’s important for their sex life – Yet according to a survey of men aged 45 and over by Prostate Cancer UK, 70% of them knew nothing about their prostate or the symptoms of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with more than 30,000 men diagnosed annually (second most common cause of cancer deaths in men after lung cancer).
Most men with early prostate cancer have no symptoms at all. Some of the symptoms of prostate cancer can also be caused by other prostate problems – including urinary problems.
Contact us
Visit our medical centre
Nuffield Health Hospital,
4 Trumpington Rd,
Cambridge CB2 8AF
T: 01223 967995
Phones answered 9–5 Monday to Friday.
For more specific medical enquiries or to contact one of the doctors: [email protected]